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Red Tractor Spotify Advert Hits The Nation’s Airwaves

The Red Tractor campaign continues to gain pace with a brand new, thirty second Spotify audio advert starring the well known and loved public face of the campaign, farmer and ex-Blur band member Alex James. If you haven’t used Spotify yet, it’s a hugely popular commercial music streaming service that provides a great way to experience the music you love best via your computer, smartphone or tablet, with literally millions of tunes to enjoy.
Raising Red Tractor awareness amongst food-savvy mums
The advert sits at the heart of Red Tractor’s exciting 2014 digital strategy, which is dedicated to raising awareness and improving understanding of the Red Tractor mark and all it means. The ad tells listeners why they can ‘trust the tractor’ and has been carefully crafted to appeal directly to the organisation’s core target market, food-savvy mums aged 25-50, a group that represents the bulk of the nation’s primary shoppers.
Reaching influential people at key shopping and eating times
Due to be played to Spotify’s free users every four songs, in total the ad will be played an astonishing seven million times between 24th May and the end of June 2014. The campaign focuses on a limited time period between 12 noon and 7pm every day to make an impact at key shopping and eating times. But every listener will only hear the advert a maximum of three times, thanks to the complex targeting that the Spotify platform allows.
Great prizes and interaction opportunities for listeners
No good advert operates in a vacuum. This one links through to a digital advert on a branded, interactive Red Tractor web page. Spotify users who hear the advert will be able to add their favourite track to Red Tractor’s ‘music to cook to’ Spotify playlist. Doing so means they’re automatically entered into a competition to win one of five pairs of tickets to Alex James and Jamie Olivers’ The Big Feastival event, held on Alex’s beautiful Cotswolds farm. Plus there’s a free subscription to Red Tractor’s mailing list on the cards. We’d like to wish Red Tractor the best of luck with their revolutionary campaign, and we’re looking forward to discovering the impact it has on the millions of people in Britain who care deeply about their food, its origins and what it does and doesn’t contain.