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Wishing our foodservice customers safe and peaceful festivities

2020 has been one heck of a year. This year, more than ever before, we all deserve a break. Whether you’re Christian or Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Wiccan, nothing at all or something else altogether, we would like to wish you a safe, peaceful festive season. Here’s to a better 2021, an end to lockdowns, a successful vaccination programme and a return to something like normality.
We’re always delighted to send out free sample boxes of gorgeous artisan bread goodies for new foodservice customers to test-drive. Just ask. And we’re pleased to say a huge thank you to all of our loyal customers, many of whom have struggled to survive… and won.
A very happy New Year to you all. Stay safe, be kind, and have a lovely time over the next couple of weeks. Here’s some festive bread news for you.
Gordon Ramsey disses Aussie Fairy Bread
Oh, how dare he! Britain’s most straight-talking celebrity chef has expressed his disgust at Fairy Bread, the Aussie and New Zealand treat we’ve featured a few times in our news section. The dish is a simple one made from white bread and butter scattered with hundreds and thousands, and Ramsay is not at all impressed. Apparently he more or less begged the Aussie wrestler Peyton Royce to stop as she sprinkled colourful bits and bobs over bread on video.
Luckily there are always more ‘unusual’ recipes to enjoy, the latest being a weird garlic bread leftover spaghetti bolognese bake that caused a right royal hoo-ha on Facebook. It has apparently proved a major hit despite looking more like a dog’s dinner than a human one.
Venezuelan Santa delights poor children
Venezuela is suffering terribly from Covid, which has wrecked the country’s already rocky economy so badly that it’s in a state of collapse. Thank goodness for one man, dressed as Santa Claus, who strode the streets of the country’s capital Caracas last weekend, handing out essential gifts to poverty-stricken children, including bread and clothing.
Honey, I missed the shops
Many, many memes are flying around online thanks to the sudden closure of everything except essential shops just before Christmas, when Tier 4 arrived. The new Tier left countless thousands of Britons with a mere eight hours to finish their Christmas shopping, and the resulting rush of top class social media satire was a delight to see. If you left it too late like many people, you will probably – also like many people – end up buying something ‘essential’ as a gift for someone you love. A loaf of bread, perhaps, or maybe a pack of loo roll?
Who hides knives inside bread rolls?
One Cheltenham park turned out to be a dangerous place for furry friends. Long, sharp knives have been discovered hidden inside bread rolls in the park, presumably put there to hurt the dogs people walk there. One woman walking her pooch in Pittville Park on Tuesday 15th December had a lucky escape when her beloved pet came uncomfortably close to scoffing a knife-filled bun. Nasty.
Don’t leave bread and milk out for the hedgehogs this winter
Hedgehogs need our help. They’re often short of food in winter, and everything we can do matters. But don’t feed them on bread and milk. Milk gives hedgehogs the runs, which can be fatal, and there are too few nutrients in bread to be helpful. The RSPCA says tinned dog food, crushed dog or cat biscuits (not the fishy flavoured ones) and special hedgehog food are the best bet. Plus a shallow bowl of fresh water every day.
Can we help you in 2021?
We’re always happy to supply beautiful breads. If you’d like some, call us for a chat. We’ll give you a warm welcome.