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The Humble Hot Dog – It’s Britain’s Newest, Biggest Food Trend

According to the London Standard, hot dogs are big news in the capital. Once the exclusive territory of dodgy vans parked in gloomy car parks and footie grounds, outside rowdy pubs and along seedy seafronts, these days hot dogs are more like posh dogs. At long last the artisan bread revolution has caught up with one of the nation’s favourite fast foods and the foodservice sector is responding in kind, transforming the humble hot dog into a very special gourmet dish.
Speciality Breads jumps into the hot dog roll deep end
As you can imagine, we’re at the forefront of all the excitement. We’ve been developing a very special glazed brioche hot dog roll, designed to transform a much-maligned junk food item into something fit for a king… or at the very least fit for consumers who prefer great quality bread to the traditional damp, limp white roll which put so many of us off eating hot dogs for life… and occasionally poisoned us, too.
Hot dogs rise, phoenix-like, from the illegal street food ashes
In London the dish has been conspicuous by its absence since the 1990s, when Westminster council cracked down on substandard food and unhygienic conditions by trashing six hundred or so illegal metal hot dog carts. Their demise has led to a welcome fall in hot dog van gang-related turf wars and associated violence. Two decades later street food has an entirely different face, more gourmet than fast food, and the humble hot dog is a rising star in the food trend firmament.
In fact things are so exciting on the hot dog front that there’s been a noticeable hike in the number of applications from businesses wanting to open specialist restaurants in the capital. Perhaps you’ve also noticed the signs in your region? If not, it’s on the horizon, roller-coasting unstoppably your way.
Wholesale demand surges for better hot dog rolls
Early adopters include Bubbledogs in Charlotte Street, where tables are as rare as hens’ teeth, and Herman Ze German, also on a roll – pun intended – with hugely popular outlets on Villiers Street and Old Compton Street, right on the tourist trail. The hot dog world is on the move, it’s moving fast and we fully expect to see more of the same. We’re also seeing higher demand for quality rolls from our foodservice wholesalers, a sure sign that their end customers are demanding better.
A hot dog roll to die for…
All of which brings us to our newest innovation, a hot dog roll to die for. No cotton-woolly white rolls that squish into an unpleasant floury paste when held, a bit like bread-flavoured Blue Tac. Instead our wholesale customers will be able to buy beautiful, fragrant, crisp glazed brioche hot dog rolls made with 100% free range eggs, 100% pure butter and 100% Red Tractor Certified flour, 100% made in Britain.
Request a free sample
We’ll be sending out free samples to all our customers very soon. If you’d like to taste the hot dog roll of the future, get in touch and we’ll hurry a sample over to you. Your customers will love you for it.